05 April 2009

Your Not Going to Believe it, Temps Above Freezing

Your not going to believe me when I tell you this, but it was 41 degrees today, above zero. The sun rises about 0800 and sets around 2300. It has a tendency to mess with you mind when you look out the window at 2200 and it is still bright. I went hiking just now at about 2100 and it was sunny and nice outside. Masters and I went out to the T-Building and looked for Muskox Bob. He has left the area and gone onto to another white cold landscape that we call Alaska. Saw the beach and came back to he station. Played with Haley, took some video footage of the tower and surrounding area. It was nice to get out and see life in the Tundra for the first time in a while. This time we saw two birds. Made it back safe and sound and hope to do it again soon.
Brendan, Do you remember that hat you had at Christmas with the flaps on the side? I am sure someone does, because I do. It took me a while but I finally got you beat with the best hat ever. Yeah its real beaver. Very warm and comfortable. Attached is a picture, I apologize for the poor quality, my camera is broken.
As for work this week I do have some pictures, from other cameras that I will post soon. We dug petty officer berthing out with about twenty feet of snow going down at a forty five degree angle to the ground. I climbed to the top using nothing but a shovel and a magivered ice grabber thingy. dug out about six feet and then took a break. We then proceeded to dig a tunnel through that would barely not fit my body which I should get a picture of soon. I will post it when I receive it. Unforntunately we had to make the exit large enough for people to get out of in an emergency, so it all came down. We get to have a little fun at work as long as we get the job done. Had some fun in the galley with the "Dancing with the Chef" created by FS3 Scott and camera man Masters. I was the sidekick, due to the fact that I am not a skilled cook or have a video camera. It was a good meal all because of my sidekick skills. I think that Masters and Scott would agree.
Overall it is going pretty good. I am missing the real world, but I think I can make it until my mid-tour. The weather is stange up here, but I hear that it is beautiful at Tahoe and the Bay Area. I hope that everyone is haveing a good day and hope to speak to you soon.

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