07 April 2009

Running in the Arctic

I went running today and it was fabulous. About twenty degrees, blue skies, very little wind and warmer than I intended to be. What more can I ask for. It would have been nice if Hobie was running with me, or Kensey, but regardless, it felt great. I have not felt my heart beat like that in a while. My cardio is not were I like it to be, but that’s because I cannot stand to run on a treadmill. Hopefully by the time I make it home, I will be able to keep up with Kensey.

So there I was and she did not go down like a greased refrigerator (inside joke). After work and the weather was beautiful as I described above. Not a cloud in the sky. Donned my sweat pants, long underwear, t-shirt and a hoodie. It took me a little while to find the Officer of the Day so I could check out for a run. Finally found him, had to pipe him. Sorry for the details, isolation is getting to me. Fast forward to what matters. I ran two to three miles because I could not really go too far due to snow blowers on the runway. But it was long enough to remind me how much I enjoy running. Unfortunately with the warmer temperatures the solid piece of ice we usually walk on will be getting soft soon. My runs will have to be limited to the paved area, but at least it is warm enough to run. I was not able to reach full pace because I would have gotten way to hot. I have never run in the cold weather. It was different. Anyways I look forward to running more and especially when I am home with the dog and Sister.

It was a great day and the weather is very interesting. The amount of daylight changes every day by about eight minutes and keeps you on your feet. It is really bright out because the ground is still covered with snow. Very beautiful, as long as you have some glasses to keep down the glare. Polarized lenses are great up here. Other than that, work was pretty typical. I did patch some asbestos walls today. They get painted tomorrow to seal them up. I was told that it is hard to sleep when it is always light outside, but I have been sleeping fine, knock on wood. It is very difficult to track the time though. 2200 looks like 1500. It can be midnight and I don’t even realize it because the sun just setting or just went down. I suppose it takes more discipline to go to sleep because you could be playing beach volleyball at midnight.

I cannot think of a better ending than midnight beach volleyball so have a wonderful day and hope to hear from you soon.

1 comment:

The Cimoli Family said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! We miss you down here. We look forward in seeing you soon we hope.
The Cimoli Family