23 November 2010

The Beautiful Season of Fall

It seems that the weather cannot make up its mind. Sometimes it wants to be like a warm summer day and other it feels like snow should cover the ground. Unfortunately we are not that lucky. There may be utter chaos if the roads on base were slippery, but there would be snow and maybe a little entertainment. If you have ever lived in a snow area or are an experienced snow driver, that reference should make sense. All in all, Fall is here as displayed by the color and dropping of the leaves, the nice wind storms and even thunder and lightening. I enjoyed every moment. I got the opportunity to snap some picture of this incredible change and like always, it captivates the senses to the various colors in the cycle of nature.

I found myself remembering the school days in fall when my mother was the carpool for the day. She would always take the same route, purposely driving by all the trees as they changed color. She would always comment about the fall colors and ensure that everyone took a look at them. I suppose those were the carefree days before I had to be a responsible adult. At the time the fall colors seemed like such a trivial thing, but now they are a wonderful distraction from the stresses of life.

As for School, I can say that it is going. Last week was a pretty rough week for the entire class. Fortunately like any challenge we face, we can find a way to succeed. The time remaining here is short. I suppose the time in the continental US is short for me as well. I have done everything I can to prepare for it and have come to conclusion that “it will be an adventure”, there I go with another quote from Mom. Only two more systems including tomorrow. I still have to work hard, but time has flown since being here. One of the instructors commented that we would refer to these as our good old days, I am not fully convinced of that statement. I can only hope that my days keep getting better.

Until I write again, enjoy life and the fall colors. Thanksgiving is almost here, Kensey you will be missed. Congrats to the Wetstone family for the birth of Baby Colin, he is as precious as they come. I may be working hard, but I will enjoy every moment I can.

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