05 February 2009

KPC Super Bowl

  The day comes once a year, exhilaration building as the day comes. The whole world bets on the outcome of this momentous annual occasion.  As you probably all know by now, I am speaking of ……….. My Birthday of course.  26 years old, more than a quarter of a century.  Oh, did you think that I was referring to the super bowl?  It happened that day too, sorry for the confusion.

  It was a good game, unfortunately the Steelers won, I bet on the Cardinals just for kicks and they almost had it.  They were so close, but the Steelers took the day.  A well-played game on both sides and probably one of the best I have seen.  We had a Super Bowl party at the station with a cake for my birthday.  It was fun and I really got into the game.  I figured isolated duty, I needed something to do.  That was not the only thing I did though.  I also went riding on the quad before the game and had a good time.  But you can probably tell that from the picture.  It was fun, not quite as fast as a snowmobile, but just as fun to fly over the tundra.  Went out to the cabin and back.  My riding buddy got a little cold so we had to head back.  Nomad and Haley joined us; for once I was faster than her.  It was around -7 degrees and there was a breeze.  As you can see, it was a beautiful day.   

  Don’t worry, the week got more interesting.  We lost another non-rate or guardian as they are calling us now, or so I hear.   I have been doing MAA and Mess Cooking all week.  I actually like the change, it keeps me really busy.  Fortunately, we have two more guardians coming in this week, so the station will have a more complete crew.  We have a log flight tomorrow and then the weekend in here. I am looking forward to it.  Have a good day and I hope all is well for the travels of the other Watts and the rest of the family. 

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