Well I can say that is was an interesting Christmas. Away from the family and the rest of the world. We had a great Christmas Feast and a good party with the supplies that we had. So I can’t really complain. I had beer, friends and probably closer to were Saint Nick is than I ever have been. I was hoping I would see the sleigh fly past us, but no luck in that. I did miss the family. I have not been at the last few Christmases but was close enough to get there if I wanted to. I didn’t even have the option to get there and that was the hard part for me. That was the hardest part. When it cleared up, I was able to take a hike and enjoy the silence of the Tundra, a beautiful sunset and an incredible landscape laid out before me but it would have been better if the family were there. On the other hand they probably would have been complaining and it would not have been so quiet and calm. It was a white Christmas too, so how much can I really complain about. I had company; Haley joined me on my hike and was a good hiking partner until she decided to play with my hand and little rougher than a dog should. She just did not want to let go so I had to show her who was boss; I am not sure how effective it was. She is a good dog, just a little rough at times.
We had a good party at least I did, I did a fairly good job at entertaining my shipmates with my semi inspired by Jay dance moves. I am sure you can imagine. If not, ask him to show you. I had several beers smoked some cigars, don’t worry it is not becoming habit, jut on special occasions. Everyone appeared to have a good time and for the moment I think we forgot that we were in isolated duty witch is always a good thing. The station was fairly dead the next day, but I suppose it is to be expected. To top it all off, I was shown a beautiful sun resting in the arctic sky. One of the best I have seen up here. Unfortunately we have been socked in storms for most of the time and there is not much to. We lose the internet, hence the tardiness of this blog update. I hope you were able to handle the delay. I really enjoyed talking to everyone on Christmas, believe it or not it really raised my spirits. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I would have been there if I could. Beth, Congratulations on the new babies at the ranch. Have a wonderful day and I hope that everyone has a chance to read this soon, if I ever get the chance to post it.
I guess I did get a chance to post it, the internet started working again.