22 February 2013

The Simple Pleasures Appreciated

I have written a fair amount regarding this underway adventure. I have touched on the sacrifices these individuals make and what I have been doing since it began. Of all the differences, there is a similarity that has been constant on most any adventure I have partaken in. The appreciation of the simple pleasures and small things that become spectacular because of where you are. Out here it is the stunning array of stars or the unbroken horizon. It is games that you never felt the need to play while at home, or the enjoyment of a beverage to begin or end the day. All those things that we tend to take for granted are much more appreciated.

 There is a multitude of things that Coastie’s do to pass the time. We cannot drink, so others way are found. Card games, Bingo, reading, movies, music, food and general conversation is common place on the mess deck. The diversity of culture onboard keeps most all these activities interesting regardless of how many times they have been repeated. There is always something to learn about someone, something or some evolution that is done in the typical underway work-day. I have found my ways to relax and pass the time.

I take my time on the flight deck whether day or night. I may see dolphins jumping at the side of the cutter or surfing the bow. A sea turtle surfacing to get some fresh air or sea birds that make their way out to sea and take a needed rest. I cannot hold back the amazement that the slightly alternating shades of blue in sky and dynamic cobalt painting the water. The waves add texture to this landscape from the whitecaps breaking at the peak of waves or smooth glass that graces us like a mirror to the skies. At night that water leaves it marks in the contrast we can barely pick up between the horizon and ocean with the vivid stars shining onto the water. If the moon is up, its path can be followed to the hull of the cutter distorted by the waves that either created by the cutter or the breeze. It makes our 378 foot cutter feel very small compared to the deep blue sea we patrol and call home while on these patrols.

That cup of coffee or tea is not just a beverage, but also a reminder of home. The food is prepared, so I am not able to enjoy the satisfaction of my own BBG or the feel of cold beer in my hand. However I can enjoy a hot tea under the stars and recall all the wonderful memories from home, or the stories I will have to tell when I return. I can join in on a game of Hearts, Spades, or Magic and socialize before I get some sleep. Most importantly, I have forged a relationship with some onboard that I would refer to as friends, in addition to shipmates. I just enjoy the company and as a guest among the crew, I appreciate the hospitality, respect and courtesy.

When it comes down to it, it is the simple pleasures that I recall. They may not be the most productive tasks, nor the most popular. It is whatever puts a smile on my face or kills a little time with some shipmates or friends. Who knows what desires we may have in our life, or the opportunities we will be presented with? I just try to enjoy every moment.

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