23 December 2010

Mission Complete ... Time to Relax!

I have graduated from Health Services Technician School and am now officially a Petty Officer in the Coast Guard. It was a lot of work, but well worth the reward and future it offers. On the 17th of December I was able to walk across the stage with 27 other shipmates that I can now call colleagues. Although this was a small milestone in the grand journey of life, it holds an achievement to it that I am very proud of. I am grateful for all the people that work with me, helped me and supported me along the way.

It was my honor to have my mother and HS1 Capra pin me at the ceremony. It felt fitting considering my mother has been a role model throughout my life and HS1 Capra was my mentor at Air Station San Francisco. And although all my friends and family that came were not able to be in the ceremony, I felt like a very lucky man to have so many I care about take the time to attend the graduation. So Thank you if I have not said it before, and even if I did, Thank you. The ceremony was nice, weather was a little cloudy, but I was still able to give to tour of the classroom, wet lab and campus. This was followed by a very nice brunch in Petaluma with those who attended and then a very stormy day in San Francisco. Unfortunately the Kirkland’s saw a very dreary side of the city, not as picturesque as it has the potential to be. I was glad to show them around regardless.

I am still adjusting to the minor change that just occurred; yet I am doing virtually the same thing. Now that my place in Coast Guard Medical is certain, it feels different, as if it is more of an achievement than it was before. Don’t get me wrong after pulling 19 weeks of 18 hour days, it better be. I believe it is, but more importantly I know I must be humble. I may be a member of the smallest rate in the smallest service, yet I must do the task for the people I serve. Now the responsibility is officially on me with the appropriate expectations. I took the oath and now I must step forward with courage, confidence and ethics to do what is best for the patient. Fortunately I will always have some direction, but I am now part of that team. Now the real job begins when all that I learned matters.

But enough of that, Happy Birthday to Brendan and Uncle Cam. We did our annual dinner at Morton's followed by an unknown night with the family. Who knows what we end up doing after that dinner. We are the Watt Family, it is always a good time. For the first time my parents came and met me at the fancy hotel I was staying at. The view was spectacular, both city and bay 24 stories up. It was nice to just relax and have a good time after graduation. I can honestly say I am a very lucky man to have the family and friends I have. Have I said that already?

Now I prepare for the Christmas and the New Year before I depart my home turf once again. I saw the Lunar Eclipse, which was spectacular and Life is good. Until we meet again, Happy Holidays and many blessing along the way.

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