01 January 2012

My Thoughts on the Year

Last year this time I was headed off to Puerto Rico to be as far away from home as I had ever been. I had just finished A-School and had an ideal two years ahead of me. Well, I can laugh and say that is not how it turned out. It was a very hectic and frustrating year; and even if I had the opportunity I would not change it. As strange as that sounds, I am a better man because of everything that has transpired. For everything that I have lost, I found a strength and the will to get through whatever I have to face. That is something no one can ever take from me.

I am now in Florida, still thousands of miles from the family, but on the mainland and just a flight a way (wink, wink). I am not going to tell you that this year will be ideal, because frankly I don’t know what is going to happen. What I can tell is what I have gained in the short time I have been here. I have my dog and the unconditional friend he provides me with. I have also gained some true friends that have showed me the impact of treating someone like family.

No one can ever replace the family that has been with you your entire life. That family for me has always been there. They have always been open to people joining us at our family gathering when they could not make it home or had no place go. I always saw the family do this, but I never truly understood the gratitude of the ones that were welcomed in. I can say that I understand that now. My adopted family out here has graciously invited me to and hosted the meals that I would normally spend with family. I cannot give ample thanks to Lee and Lourdes for their charity through out this holiday season.

After all was said and done, it turned out to be a good year. I have three blessing to start 2012 off with. In addition I have a mostly decorated home, a job, and a chance to make everyday a good day. To my friends and family, wherever you may be. I hope that your year is full of blessing, joy, laughter and maybe some lessons along the way.

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