The evolution is complete. The Diesel storage tanks are full and it was approximately 18.5 hours of pumping from a barge off the south beach of the station in the bay. I was am still recovering from being up for many hours with little sleep. Along with the fueling can the sanitary water system malfunctioning and not having working toilets for nearly 24 hours. Fortunately MK1 Bacher, MK3 Stephens, Mk2 Schmoll,BM2 Peterson, Chief Rahn and visiting staff from CEU Juneau had the skill and patience to figure out and resolve the issue. It is very nice to have working toilets. But the fueling is done and toilets work so the stress in this place has drastically dropped. It got better. There was a reindeer sighting on the station grounds and I got the opportunity to see it. As you can see it is not very old and I hope that the rest of the heard is on the way. Otherwise I fear that it will become pray to either Haley or to some other predator out there. Regardless it is very cute and we got very close to it. I think it was a little confused. To top that off Fireman Masters, ET3 Cash and I went out on the ATV's and had some fun on the beach and around the station grounds. It was very fun. The rollers on the beach are alot of fun. But it is always nice to get out of the station. The pictures can say more than I can put in words, so enjoy and sorry if I have not talked to people to much, but it has been a very hectic week. I am hoping that next week is a little more predictable. That seems to be the nature of this place, either predictable and kind of boring or everything going wrong at once like this week was.
A trip to Seal Camp and my first time officially off the station grounds. It was a good hike, I suppose the P90X workout a half hour before helped with that in addition to the constant soft uneven surface on the way there, but it was worth it. I got some beautiful pictures of the trip there and back and didn’t spend much time at seal camp because it is more of a tragedy in the beauty of the area than a beautiful landmark. I will explain that one a little later. I only showed the picture coming up on seal camp because all the others have some sort of debris or trash in them. This included burned out snow machines that the native did not even try to get out of there, just left them there engine and all. The oil from it is probably in the ground too. It amazes me that people that such a strong heritage to the land would show so little respect for it. But enough of that. I would rather speak of the beauty of the trip. The sights and sounds that blessed our perception. First off it was a beautiful sunny day once we got out there. The weather was a little overcast at the station, but it with the nice breeze it kept the mosquito’s away and the air temperature comfortable. SK2 Hunt, FS1 Chattin, HS1 Hooper joined me on the trek. Although not really long, uneven soft terrain and a previous workout on our legs did have its toll. This time a year as you can see the tundra is absolutely beautiful, especially when the sun shines down on the grass and ponds. To see the reflection of the diverse clouds on the water only adds to the majesty of this place. I can’t say it does not have it challenges, but it has its incredible moments too. The sights on the way to seal camp were stunning as the clouds played over the bearing sea as the fog rolled off the coast or the abundance of colors and light that graced tundra. The clouds are amazing. I have not seen such a polarized display of clouds anywhere I have been before. Maybe I just got lucky that day, but they always tell a dramatic tale in the way they compose themselves in sky. That will be something that I never forget. I did have a good time with the camera, as you can probably tell. I fell behind a couple of times, not because I was tired, but just could not resist taking a photograph of the moment before me. My favorite is the one overlooking the pond and tundra with the clouds in the background. I love how the color of the grass played off the sun shining down showing a slight reflection of the sky in the water. I just feel grateful that I had the knowledge and equipment to capture that moment. It truly was incredible to see. Everyone was relatively tired when we got back. Except for FS1 who chose the gummy bear plan over P90x. He loves to rub that in, sometimes as mean as ice-cream. He is a trooper out there. It was a rough day for the legs; I am still sore today. Everyone had a good time and I finally got to see Seal Camp. It was not what I imagined, but things are the way they are. I was reminded of home on the hike. It felt like a California winter walking down the beach. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful time and home and I will talk to you soon. This will has and will be a very busy week due to the fuel barge showing up, A log Flight, CEU coming by to take a look at our equipment and the new Commanding Officer Arriving. I am plugging away at my MSDS update project and Have plenty of work to keep me until my time up here expires. Until then, have a wonderful time in California. I do miss the place, but at same time there are so many things to see in other places. I am working on my next billet now and will update everyone when I receive any news of where I will be next. Nothing is set in stone, just some possibilities up the air at the moment.
Let me explain why I had beaver in my room the whole time and never knew it. I had this costume from halloween as you can see from the blogs from back then, that was just sitting there. Well, Jessie saw it and decided she wanted to walk around the station with it. Being a dedicated photographer, I could not let this moment pass without a camera. It was a completely random KPC moment. Hense now Jessie Eck the Beaver is revealed to the world. The other picture is looking from our south beach to Port Clarence Bay.
It all started as a calm a peaceful night at the station. Then took a turn for a very frickin fun beautiful night of hanging out and just being Crazy Coasties. Pojar hurt is ankle playing basketball and the first thought on his mind after I had wrapped and iced it was that he needed a beer holder for his crutches. It was high spirits and a great time that included a 0100 sunset at you can see that was very beautiful. It even lead to a music video, but that is a story for another time. I have a couple of those when the times are not nearly as exciting up here. This was preceded by an intense game of pictionary that had all laughing at Stephens ability to get so many for our team. The pictures were horrible but I guess when you yell out enough things you will probably say what the person is attempting to draw. I was quite entertaining. There were probably a few made up words in there, but it was all right because he was the only person to guess "slow motion" from several horribly drawn stick figures resembling that scene from the "The Matrix." Other Highlights included the "Bathing Suit," were Mr. Boil produced a drawing of a stick figure appearing to be wearing torn up rags. Our team drawing was very well done as it was a women in a bikini. Dinner was Lobster that came right out the shell, well done FS3. All things considered it was a fun night. One of those rare KPC moments that you don't experience anywhere else. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling.
The weather is a little different from California. It is a little windy, a little colder, not quite so pleasant, but there are no muskox in California and California cows may be happy, but they are not as fun to photograph. Not to much to say, the pictures really say it all. As you can see the scenery is very different once all the snow has melted and the water is water, not ice. Still beautiful, but very different.
It came, and it went. I thought about how many words it would have taken to summarize the time I got to spend at home and realized that the pictures can tell so much more. So here it is, a photo tour of my mid-tour. I got the opportunity to hike, horseback ride, mountain bike, run, swim, take some pictures of some incredible sunsets and catch up with people that I have not seen in a while. It was hard to go to the airport at the end due a minor curve ball thrown in at the very end of my time home. But so be it, I have to do what I have to do. Here I go.
It started out with a very long set of plane rides to arrive at Oakland International. The clouds were amazing flying in and it reminded me how much I love the bay area. From there it went to a very busy time of doing all the things I have been deprived of and seeing old friends. It I did not get to see you I apologize. To be honest I was a little overwhelmed with all there was to do. It was nice to see The Cimoli Family, My family and the people I met along the way. It was a beautiful run and while a part of me is glad to be going back my isolated mansion in the cold. Still a part of me wishes that I could be at home with the family, dogs and the people and events that make life interesting. But enough of that, time to move on do my duty. I have around four months left and I soon find out were I will be going next. I am just a little excited.
I was home for fathers day and my new camera just came in so I was very eager to take some pictures. Uncle Patrick had just moved into his new place and we planned to go to Pinecrest sometime during the month. I went riding with my dad in Las Trampas and got my butt kicked by the hills. Saw the family down in San Jose and celebrated Shane’s Birthday. I was not barraged by questions, the blog might have helped with that. I went trail riding on Scarlet who is an absolutely wonderful horse. You have to pass the first test, but she is a perfect horse after that. I Rode her on the Point Reyes Trip and as you can see it was a beautiful sight. I will miss that horse, It is difficult to say goodbye to them when they are so good to you. She will find a good owner.
I had to get use to mountain biking again, but Alex and Dad did a find job orchestrating that. I did meet some interesting bananas, but they were not hardcore enough to jump in the water. My mom got her moms dream shot, at least her late grandmothers dream shot. Can you guess witch one that is; It has to do with a horse, hint, hint. And of course I got to reacquaint myself with my dog. He was a little surprised to see me come in the door, but remembered me relatively quick. I am glad to see him being well taken care of. Hobie and Jasmine are very sweet dogs, especially when it comes to Kensey and Mara. I never pick him up or let him get away with anything. And last but not least, an awesome sunset at “Therapy.” It may be the last sunset I see in a while. No Alex I did not forget you, and your natural swirly. So long story short, it was a very nice break. A little hectic at times, but what part about life isn’t.
Thank you to everyone I saw, and all the things I got the opportunity to partake in. I hope to see you all again when I find myself in California once again. Until then, have a wonderful day and keep smiling.