Happy New Year everyone. I hope that you had a wonderful time and didn’t party to hard. We had another party up here, beer and music. Counted down even though our new year came last, five hours after the great ball falls in New York. I was on duty so I was not able to drink, but I still had a good time dancing and listening to music. Everyone seemed to have a good time and the station was pretty much dead the next morning, but I suppose that is to be expected when you are up till the morning hours. I attempted to watch a horror movie, “Quarantine,” but fell asleep about and hour into it. I pulled a jay, who is very skilled in falling asleep during any movie. We probably should have started the movie before 0130 but it was New Years and we were looking for something to do.
There is still not much sunlight and the sky is still filled with the fog of winter, but it has its own beauty to it. What is amazing is how fast the weather can change. It will go from no wind to twenty mile and hour winds in a matter of minutes. Then calm down in the same time. I hike when I can, but this time of year, it can be difficult to find.
I really do miss being around the places and people I have grown accustom to. I miss being able to just go to somewhere new and meet someone I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, I like the people I work with, they are a great group of people. In some respects I can really relate to them, on others it is a challenge for me. I don’t tend to be a drinker as most of you know. I have my moments, but most of the time I don’t drink. There is a lot of temptation to drink because there is not much to do. No one really forces you to do anything, but it would make the time go by faster if you were to partake. I usually go outside and look for the stars or the aurora. Take pictures and do what I can to pass the time. The video games worked for a few weeks, but they are pretty boring now. I did increase my max for bench to 185 pounds and I am eating a lot. I get along with everyone and work well with everyone. But the next few weeks will be busy. I am the only non-rate and we have Admirals and Master Chiefs visiting the station the 20th. So I will be the only person cleaning the station for their visit. It will keep me busy.
Life at the station is like being underway or so I have been told. You see the same people everyday. As much as they are you friends and confidants, they are also you supervisors. The chain of command is always present however absent it may appear to be. I have to be constantly aware of my actions knowing that someone is probably watching me. It adds a new dynamic when you cannot get away from the place or the people. So be it, it is just another adventure to learn from. I miss being able to go outside and look at the stars, just sit and think for a while. The cold temperature and high winds make that a little more difficult. On occasion I am able to go out to the runway and just relax. I enjoy it when I can. I suppose that when you cannot do something, you appreciate the times you have done it in the past and the chances you get.
Well there you have it, my new years thoughts.
1 comment:
very lovely brother. But what are you smoking? A joint? why are you holding it like that? Now they'll know what you were up to pre coast guard! Haha, partake all you want... remember how much fun we had when you were an alcoholic... i mean...
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