02 December 2008

Station Morale

I have gotten several request for pictures of the station so I will do that when I get a chance, but this blog is the Morale Physical fitness challenge. Every so often for "Morale" reasons we do a station wide event. This was a contest to see who could bench press the most weight, do the most pushup and sit-ups in one minute, The most dips and the most pull-ups. I did not win any of them but I had a good time. I don't know who the winner of bench was because that was based on some formula, but I officially lifted 140 pounds. I tried for 160 which was way to much and was able to do 150 pound just for kicks, which is 10 pound below max. Chief and some others were trying 300 pounds and I believe that someone lifted 295 pounds. I think is was Reyes, the one in the benching picture. Chief won the push-ups with a scorching 93 in one minute and he was bouncing the entire time. That was impressive. I did 55 which was better than by basic test when I got 43. Em1 won the dips with I believe around fifty. That was the last event so I was already tired at that point I think that I did 12. Heck was disappointed because he thought that he set the bar hight at 25. I don't now who won the sit ups and I don't remember how many I did, but it was not to shabby. I think is was around 60. Rivera gets honorable mention for the pull-ups because he was one of the top performers and wore his climbing gear, chalk and all. He even rested and re-chalked his hands in the middle of his set. I found it amusing. It was a fun event and I now have more time to go to the gym because I got qualified. No more breaking in and I will be doing watch once every five days or so. More time to hike and see the surrounding area. Although it is getting colder. It was -20 degrees today with the wind chill. So hiking will now involve keeping my skin completely covered. It should be fun still. I am sort of jealous of the warm weather that the The Katdenrie is in. Mexico must be nice this time of year. We are still getting a fair amount of sunshine so I have not seen the winter yet, but is is bound to be interesting. I don't know what else I can really say. I did include an close up picture of the Loran Tower and you can get an idea of the gym we have up here. Have a great day and I hope that everyone out there is enjoying every moment.

P.S. Kensey I need to talk to you, it has something to do with Christmas.

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